4. Citing Your Sources

Why cite?

The proper citation of sources is how scholars acknowledge the work of earlier scholars. Ideally, citation provides a method for tracking down the research of others by providing information about the original source so it can be easily found. Citations typically include things like article titles, journal titles, authors, dates, and publication information. 

The purpose is to make the original source of any information you reference easily findable by others and also to give credit when you use the original ideas of others. This is our responsibility as researchers. Citation also allows you to avoid plagiarism. Most every educational institution has some sort of academic integrity policy that outlines a student’s responsibilities as a researcher. 

The three most common citation styles at Polk State College are MLA, APA, and Chicago. If you are unsure of which citation style to use, consult your professor.

From NCSU Libraries Links to an external site.

From: The Writing Center at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Links to an external site.

What is Chicago? 

Chicago Style is unique in that it includes two documentation systems. The first is known as the notes and bibliography style and is more often used in the fields of arts and humanities. The second is the author-date system, used more often in the natural sciences.

Chicago Style Online Guides

Chicago Style Guide Book (17th edition)

The Chicago Manual of Style by University of Chicago Press Editorial Staff Links to an external site.
Call Number: REF Z253 .U69 2017 
ISBN: 9780226287058
Publication Date: 2017-09-05